
Please Make Donation

Donate Please
Once again thank you for visiting our website and we trust that your time here has been worth it.

Our work is made possible by many well wishers and kind human being like yourselves by giving their time, skills, resources and/or sentiment to the cause of The Gugu Dlamini Foundation.

We kindly appeal to you that you please make a gesture of goodwill and know that you contribution of any kind will go a long way to make a difference in someone's life. You can make a donation by a direct deposit to our bank account, by signing a cheque to our address or by contacting us directly for more details.

May you all be blessed!

Our Banking Details


Holder: Gugu Dlamini Memorial Centre

Account No: 1214104045

Branch Code:198765

Contact Details

Mailing Address

B155 Mfene Place, Ntunzuma B

4359 Durban

South Africa

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